Viewzone Returns To Ancient America

A Preview of the Expedition's Discovery

The raw digital image above shows a section of canyon wall that is believed to have been the inside wall of a dwelling. Note the two bilateral holes (white arrows) bored into the sandstone. These holes would have supported poles that extended away from the cliff, making a canopy to provide shade and protection. Evidence that these holes once supported a roof is seen on each side of the holes where erosion, from deflection of rain, has been accelerated.

Notice the red arrows, pointing to the name of god, YAH, carved above the roof line.

The ancient floor of this dwelling was now some 12 feet above the canyon floor. We could see that this small section of wall had been the object of much writing. One set of petroglyphs was clearly visible and appeared to be more recent than any of the others. We were able to enlarge and trace this deep pecked shape and a translation showed that this was likely the final inscription on this wall.

Starting in the upper left we find a large Shin, then lower yet is a Vav and an inverted (to indicate the last letter) He. S- V- Y = "old age..."

The next group begins with a small Resh followed by a single Vav and ending with a Mem. M- V- R = "passage... to move"

Next, moving left, we have T- B- T = "round, like a circle..." followed by the familiar Nun- Vav = "dwelling place..."

We saw many round foundations on the top of Vogel Canyon and undoubtedly this is what is being referenced. The canyon would have been a more habitable and convenient location for someone elderly and this message was perhaps intended for friends of the former resident.

More later...

Gary Vey, Editor

Viewzone || First Tongue || --NEXT--

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