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By Gary Vey
Other people, other worlds
"ALL mortal-inhabited worlds are evolutionary in origin and nature. These spheres are the spawning ground, the evolutionary cradle, of the mortal races of time and space. Each unit of the ascendant life is a veritable training school for the stage of existence just ahead..."
"All inhabited worlds are basically grouped for celestial administration into the local systems, and each of these local systems is limited to about one thousand evolutionary worlds..."
"Not all planets are suited to harbor mortal life. Small ones having a high rate of axial revolution are wholly unsuited for life habitats. In several of the physical systems of Satania the planets revolving around the central sun are too large for habitation, their great mass occasioning oppressive gravity. Many of these enormous spheres have satellites, sometimes a half dozen or more, and these moons are often in size very near that of Urantia, so that they are almost ideal for habitation."
"The biologic unit of material life is the protoplasmic cell, the communal association of chemical, electrical, and other basic energies. The chemical formulas differ in each system, and the technique of living cell reproduction is slightly different in each local universe, but the Life Carriers are always the living catalyzers who initiate the primordial reactions of material life; they are the instigators of the energy circuits of living matter." --from Paper #49
Our Local Universe contains seven types of sentient, mortal beings (with many variants) organized as follows:
1. The atmospheric types. The physical differences of the aliens are determined mainly by the nature of the atmosphere. The atmospheric currently on Earth is ideal for the support of the breathing type of human type of being. Other planets can also support the breathing types with physical adjustments to support superbreathers and sub-breathers, depending on their atmosphere.
In our local universe about two and one-half per cent are sub-breathers, about five per cent superbreathers, and over ninety-one per cent are mid-breathers like us. (If intelligent creatures existed on Venus, they would belong to the superbreather group, while those inhabiting Mars, would be subbreathers.)
If mortals inhabited a planet with no air, like the Moon, they would belong to the separate order of nonbreathers, and they are very rare.
2. The elemental types. These differentiations have to do with the relation of mortals to water, air, and land. There are four distinct species of intelligent life as they are related to these different habitats. Our human race is of the land order.
On some worlds the evolving mortals begin life and remain in the water instead of venturing on to the land. In other worlds it is possible, because of the density of their atmosphere, to navigate in the air. In the local universe, seven per cent are water, ten per cent air, seventy per cent land, and thirteen per cent combined land-and-air types.
3. The gravity types. Mortal beings can evolve and adapt to function on spheres both smaller and larger than Earth. Beings therefore vary in size and height. Some are only 30 inches in height while others are over 10 feet. The average in our local universe is about 7 feet tall.
4. The temperature types. Mortal beings can evolve to withstand temperatures much hotter and much colder than the what we experience on Earth. In our local universe, twelve percent belong to the higher temperature ranges, eighteen per cent to the lower ranges. The rest are in the mid-temperature group like us.
5. The electric types. The electro-magnetic, and electronic behavior on the inhabited worlds varies greatly. "There are ten designs of mortal life variously fashioned to withstand the differential energy of the spheres. These ten varieties also react in slightly different ways to the chemical rays of ordinary sunlight. But these slight physical variations in no way affect the intellectual or the spiritual life."
6. The energizing types. Not all worlds are alike in the manner of taking in and using energy. Some worlds do not have an atmosphere capable of respiration and the exchange of gases, such as we do on Earth. Therefore, metabolism, food and anatomy can be very different.
"There are six differing types of animal and mortal nutrition: The subbreathers employ the first type of nutrition, the marine dwellers the second, the mid-breathers the third, as on Urantia (Earth). The superbreathers employ the fourth type of energy intake, while the nonbreathers utilize the fifth order of nutrition and energy. The sixth technique of energizing is limited to the midway creatures.
7. The unnamed types. There are mortal beings who sometimes cannot easily be fit into the above classifications because of their physical combinations and adjustments. These are nonetheless beings with awareness, spiritual and social capabilities and similar to all other mortals of the local universe.
With the the above guidelines we can tell much about the planetary origins of aliens, based on their physical features.
Physical size:
The hight of an alien mortal is inversely proportional to the home planet's gravity, and thus the mass of the alien's world. Larger planets with more mass have more gravitation pull and would naturally favor short mortals with lower centers of gravity. Conversely, smaller planets with less mass would allow taller beings to evolve.
Lower weight allows for a higher center of gravity and a taller body. For example, if you weighed 100 pounds on planet Earth, you would weigh only 16.6 pounds on the Moon, 37.7 pounds on Mars, 90.7 pounds on Venus, 236 pounds on Jupiter and 196 pounds on Saturn.

Eyes are generally adapted to the ambient light of an evolutionary world. Larger eyes facilitate low light conditions or nocturnal life. Round iris configurations are generally good at controlling light in bright conditions, like we have on Earth. Irises with slits, like those found in cats and some reptiles, are designed to reduce incoming light more efficiently, protecting extremely sensitive receptors that work optimally in the dark.
Head size
It is generally assumed that the larger head size is indicative of a larger brain. Recent studies of humans has validated this.
The Urantia Papers also speak of the different brain types found in our local universe:
 ...The one physical uniformity of mortals is the brain and nervous system; nevertheless, there are three basic organizations of the brain mechanism: the one-, the two-, and the three-brained types. Urantians are of the two-brained type, somewhat more imaginative, adventurous, and philosophical than the one-brained mortals but somewhat less spiritual, ethical, and worshipful than the three-brained orders. These brain differences characterize even the prehuman animal existences...
From the two-hemisphere type of the Urantian cerebral cortex you can, by analogy, grasp something of the one-brained type. The third brain of the three-brained orders is best conceived as an evolvement of your lower or rudimentary form of brain, which is developed to the point where it functions chiefly in control of physical activities, leaving the two superior brains free for higher engagements...
While the terrestrial attainments of the one-brained races are slightly limited in comparison with the two-brained orders, the older planets of the three-brained group exhibit civilizations that would astound Urantians, and which would somewhat shame yours by comparison. In mechanical development and material civilization, even in intellectual progress, the two-brained mortal worlds are able to equal the three-brained spheres. But in the higher control of mind and development of intellectual and spiritual reciprocation, you are somewhat inferior...
These three types of mortals are distributed throughout the worlds of the local systems.
-- Paper 49, Urantia Papers
Aliens on the Moon?
One of the most chilling revelations in the Urantia Papers is at the end of their doscourse on a class of mortals called non-breathers. According to the papers, there are orders of mortals who are able to live on worlds with little or no air. In our local universe there are only nine such worlds.
There are few nonbreather types of inhabited worlds in our system because this more recently organized section of the local universe is full of debris and meteors. Worlds without a protective atmosphere are constantly bombarded by these objects and the nonbreathing worlds must protect themselves by making electrical installations which shunt the meteors -- much like our electronic bug traps.
The non breathing mortals must hide in protective insulated environments because their worlds are subjected to electrical storms and charged surface phenomenon, unknown to atmospheric beings.
The nonbreathers do not eat food or drink water. Their nervous systems, heat-regulating mechanisms, and metabolism are dramatically different from such Earth humans. Almost every act of living, aside from reproduction, is different. But here is the big deal with non-breathers:
You would be more than interested in the planetary conduct of this type of mortal because such a race of beings inhabits a sphere in close proximity to Urantia.
--paper 49
It seems almost certain that they are referring to aliens who inhabit our Moon! Which brings us back to Viewzone's recent articles on the Anomalies of the Moon, Part 1 and Part 2.