"There are things that are so serious, you can only joke about them."
-- Werner Heisenberg
What, When, Who & Why (repeat)
Disclosure. An official statement that ... WHAT?
Well, that the Earth is being visited, er, has been visited since ... WHEN?
We don't know for sure, but actually the point is, we have been working
with some of them ... WHO?
Tall whites, tall greys, small greys, reptilians ... some hyperdimensional
ones ... but we have this problem ... WHY?
Good question. We can't fake it anymore, so we are going to disclose ...
Hey, not more than we absolutely have to.
If you are among those who think that this AlienUFO thing is a good joke
and provides passing entertainment value at best, you are lucky, and not
likely to read this. Because it means that you have so much catching up
to do with reality that you will likely not catch it. You will cling to
complete denial of AlienUFO for as long as you can, and then
spontaneously go bananas. Enjoy your blissful ignorance for as long as it
is possibly enjoyable.
Disclosure has been happening, and is happening, ever since before most
of you were born. Not official disclosure, though. By the time that this
will be officially disclosed, you will be shrugging it off. But that will be
quite some time into the future.
I don't watch teevee, but if you have not heard of THE EVENT, a new
NBC series, you will soon. Here is a brief comment, and the reply, to a
post by Larry Lowe concerning the Disclosure leitmotiv of this new piece
of tube you entertainment.
There is an overwhelming amount of credible evidence that non-human
intelligences are on Earth, and have been on Earth. Some of them since
before we humans showed up, or were seeded, or were created, or
shipped. Some of how many species of aliens? Pick a number, any
number below, say, 57. Even if you pick only 3 or 4, the resulting
complexity is simply staggering.
Which ones of the aliens are trading their technology for something
valuable that we have (other than Jazz)? Which ones of them think it is
ethical to mess with our extremely messy human affairs? Which ones can
you trust to be left alone with your chicken? And, most importantly,
which aliens work together, or don't work together, with what other
aliens? For humans, this is a messy scenario, and some alien species
would certainly chime in here. Others might just look at us like a sheep
trying to figure out wool futures.
As Charles Fort, a pioneer of alternative real knowledge research said a
long time ago:
We are property.
You see that this gets impossibly complex once you pick more than one
alien species being interacted with on Earth right now. It is not chess
anymore, it is 3-D super chess on steroids, and humans need not apply.
Even if you have spent a lot of time studying the most serious, credible,
dedicated and informed researchers of the AlienUFO theme, you often
feel that you have a long way to go. One of the first breakthroughs is
when you realize that the AlienUFO is unquestionably real. You start
exploring the details, the alien varieties, the sightings and the stories, the
coverups, the versions, the channelled stuff, the woowoo stuff, the
speculations ... and, finally, the implications of it all.
They said (the Brookings study) that we could not handle the truth. But
the truth is that we know that they can't handle us once the truth gets
out. Us, that is, you and me, the general pop, the useless eaters, the
masses, the sheeple, the taxpayers, the patriots, the good people, the
children, in a word: us 99.99%. They pretend that we will have a hard
time coming to terms with the reality of the alien presence, when in
reality, they are toast if they actually tell the entire story as it is,
unabridged, no spin, no lies, no omissions, nothing but the truth. That
would be the end of the line for them. Them, that is the 0.01% of the
teeny-weeny minority of well-meaning population reductionists, or
however they prefer to call themselves, those who are privvy to the big
So. If I were you, I would not expect:
1) official disclosure of the alien presence, and
2) the full story.
Why has disclosure been going on since the first black and white
televisions came out? For one, because ever since the famous Roswell
Crash in 1947, preceeded by a wave of sightings in the time leading up to
it, there have been major inconsistencies in official fumbleness. The air
force admitted, for one day, that it had retrieved a crashed flying saucer,
only to retract itself and call it a weather balloon. That is like saying you
found a smoking gun but then it turns out to be just an old match.
Of course you are right when you say that it is next to impossible to keep
a total lid on this. This is what targeted disinformation is for. Agencies
and hired guns do their best to create a cognitive dissonance that
ridicules any crucial events or evidence, even the mere concept of the
AlienUFO reality. It is allowed in the movies, though, with hundreds of
films and more coming. It is not hard to see why, after 70 years or so, we
are still in the dark. Kept in the dark.
But are we? One thing is public knowledge. Another one is widespread
public knowledge. Currently, we are between the two, all the while we are
worrying about our world as we know it coming apart at the seams.
Could it be that this is happening because of the AlienUFO? Trillions in
taxpayer's money can not be accounted for. Is this money going into
black operations dealing with the AlienUFO?
McDonnell Douglas studied UFOs in the 1960s
Is there, or was there, one man or woman who has told us that not all is
what it seems? Yes. Actually, several of them.
Spilling The Beans
The prolific AlienUFO graphic artist Jim Nichols found this mind-blowing
statement by two people who laid the foundation for the US atom bomb,
space program and the CIA.
Dr. Hermann Oberth, who pioneered rocket design for the German
Reich during World War II and later advanced rocket technology for the
American manned space launches, cryptically stated, "We cannot take the
credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone; we have
been helped." When asked by whom, he replied; "The people of other
Oberth's fellow associate space pioneer, who also served the Third Reich,
Werhner Von Braun, echoed similar knowledge of the extra-terrestrial
reality when he stated in 1959, "We find ourselves faced by powers which
are far stronger than hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present
unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in
entering into closer contact with those powers, and within six or nine
months time it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter."
[From Above Top Secret by Timothy Good, William Morrow and
Company, Inc. 1988.]
The AlienUFO issue is the biggest one there is. Everything else follows
from it. Staggeringly huge budgets for black technology, derived from
found, or traded, alien tech, are paid for by your taxes and a huge
industry of covert, illegal operations.
To make a long story short: since Eisenhower or Nixon, this parallel
world which deals with the AlienUFO has been privatized. It is owned
and managed by the military-industrial complex, Rockefeller, those
The last US president to be briefed on the AlienUFO was apparently
Ronald Reagan, who promptly spilled his beans. John F. Kennedy was
apparently not okay with keeping this matter from the public.
President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech
version 2
You just can not trust these presidents who, once in office, actually think
that they are entitled to know deep secrets. One must wonder what can
possibly be hidden in those 27 security clearance levels above that of the
US president. That is a lot of room where to hide stuff.
Now let's look at examples of such credible research into the AlienUFO.
All these fine intelligence and military people eventually become ex-intelligence
and ex-military fine people. They approach the end of their
earthly lives and some decide to take their secrets to the grave, while
others decide to leave those secrets outside of their coffin. But before
they die, they live their lives as retirees, with grandchildren and all, they
stay in touch with their colleagues. They talk. They may be still under
oath to shut up or else, but when one's life draws to a close, everything
becomes relatively ... relative. Many of these people have chosen, and
choose, to confide their secrets before they leave. And not a few of them
must be compelled to find out more about the AlienUFO by exchanging
information and putting new incoming data into perspective.
Getting a bigger picture
Such is the case of Project Serpo. About 150 of these now private citizens
with low profiles but formerly high positions and insights in all sorts of
agencies and fields meet in an email forum. An anonymous informant
show up in this forum and spreads highly novel information regarding
AlienUFO. They conclude that, as outlandish as it is, the anonymous
whistleblower's information merits very close scrutiny. They also try to
find out who this whistleblowing person is, and among themselves,
speculate about his identity (it turns out that there are three informants,
one only contributing a few percent while another over 80% of the highly
classified information, reportedly of some 3,000 pages total). Keep in
mind that any serious whistleblower who does not go anonymous is a
dead whistleblower, perhaps barely able to whistle past the graveyard,
his graveyard. And if the informant answers the right questions to him in
the totally wrong way, he gets kicked out of this special sandbox.
Ben Rich, Lockheed Skunk Works director, has admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real.
Dr. Ben R. Rich confirmed:
1. There are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs." The Government knew and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector...
2. Nearly all "biomorphic" aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft -- from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird onward to today's drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft...
3. It was Ben Rich's opinion that the public should not be told [about UFOs and extraterrestrials] . He believed they could not handle the truth -- ever. Only in the last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the "international corporate board of directors" dealing with the "Subject" could represent a bigger problem to citizens' personal freedoms under the United States Constitution than the presence of off-world visitors themselves.
Most of these people are very easy to find on the web, and have given
plenty of interviews telling their story. The National Press Club has
hosted several top-level conferences dealing with UFO's interfering with
intercontinental ballistic missile systems, turning them off, or reprogramming
their target coordinates.
Exopolitics is the new game in town. The biggest new discipline ever to
come unexpectedly from left field. Straight out of woowoo-land, the
AlienUFO complex is being exposed by courageous and articulate people,
many of them, if not most, US citizens. Some of them are definitely kooks
and disinformation agents, but the vast body of evidence is reflected in a
concerted effort to put together a bigger picture. Some claim that
Disclosure, official Disco-co-closure with pomp and circumstance, is just
around the corner. Who knows what will come up at the next major
interruption of your regular programming. Very likely, more
Disclosure is what you can and perhaps should do for yourself. It also is
happening all around you, on the internet, in thoughtful conversations,
at conferences. It is not an easy subject to get into, and aren't we all too
busy? It stands your world on end and shakes it, no question about it.
AlienUFO is not stranger than you suppose, it is stranger than you can
suppose. AlienUFO is not going away but only getting hotter by the year,
by the month, by the week. It has been going on for many decades, and
we are coming to a critical point.
Apocalypse means Revelation. If there is a bigger revelation than the
revelation of the multiplicity of intelligent life in all shapes and forms
around us, below us, above us, and within us ... tell me which one it is.
Meanwhile, we are going to put together a good collection of material that
shows you that daily disclosure has been happening, and happens.
You just don't know it until you know it. Dislose this. For yourself.
Nobody official is going to do it for you without lying about it. Choose
your sources well and apply a good dose of uncommon sense, intuition
and pattern recognition. And forget about official Disclosure happening
on your teevee. Before that happens, it happens in a few primetime TV
series to get you used to it. Predictive Programming is what it is called.
In part 2 of this series, we are going to Disclose This AlienUFO thing as if there was no tomorrow. You will be surprised what hair-raising evidence is out there!