Is there any known disease or pathology that could cause this?
The answer is yes... and no. There is a well known condition called hydrocephalus, literally "water on the brain," in which the cerebral spinal fluid that normally bathes the brain and spinal chord becomes obstructed and builds up pressure inside the skull. This condition can happen to the fetus inside the womb or can occur in early childhood. The result is that the infant's skull, which has not fully formed or hardened, expands to accommodate the excess fluid.
The human skull is made of plates that are separated by cracks or sutures. These sutures allow the skull to expand as the brain grows. They only fuse during later adult life. Infants and children suffering from hydrocephalus [above, left] typically have a round -- almost spherical -- shaped skulls as the fluid easily separates and expands the sutures.
The Starchild skull is slightly heart shaped. The skull expands on both sides of the saggital (center) suture. Examination of this suture shows that it is not fused and so could not restrict the expansion if it were caused by a build up of cerebral spinal fluid. This suggests that the shape of the skull was not caused by spinal fluid.
Another problem with attributing these deformities to hydrocephalus is the eye sockets. Hydrocephalus does not usually distort the shape of the eyes or bony orbits. Indeed children with this disorder have normal looking faces (see image above).
But the Starchild's eyes are extremely unusual.
Normal human eye sockets are 2" deep
and cone-like, with the optic nerve and
the foramen openings (holes for nerves connecting the eyes to the brain) at the farthest
point inside. The Starchild's sockets
are 0.7" deep, and the optic nerves and
foramens are located further down and closer
to the inner base of the nose. The surfaces of the Starchild's eye sockets
appear perfectly smooth. No shifts in their
terrain are evident to human eyes. Yet very
subtle shifts are there, and they are exactly
alike (i.e. bilateral) in each socket, which can be felt with
a fingertip. Such incredible symmetry is highly unlkely to arise from a developmental disease and is most likely genetically determined.
The upper ledges of human eye sockets are rounded [above, left], feeling to the hand like a soda straw.
The Starchild's upper sockets come to an edge, not sharp enough to cut, but thin in every
Humans have an inner ear which we use to determine what is up and down, to balance ourselves and to detect left - right movement. It is essential to our existence on this gravity planet. The Starchild has an enormous inner ear, several times larger than that of a human. Why? Perhaps it was also many times more sensitive to small changes of position and movement. The location of the ear hole is also different in the Starchild, being lower and more towards the front of the skull. These types of deformities defy explanation.
The cheek bone (the zygomatic arch) protrudes from the face in humans [above,left(purple)] but the cheek bones of the Starchild are unusually small and recessed from the skull. Together with the pieces of the upper jaw, we can see that Starchild's lower face is much smaller than a normal human. The artist's rendering on the right indicates what Starchild might have looked like.
But what about the DNA?
We could summarize many more important anatomical differences of the Starchild skull but these would be meaningless if the DNA turned out to be human. As some scientists have argued, the skull could be an individual who suffered from multiple diseases or afflictions but is still 100% human. Why does LLoyd Pye believe this skull is... something else?
Lloyd began DNA testing about 10 years ago using material extracted from various parts of the skull and teeth. Although science had made some spectacular breakthroughs in profiling DNA, the technology has only recently been able to allow a detailed analysis from a very small sample.
Perhaps some readers of this article will remember that a lab once reported that the Starchild was nothing more than a human. This was an error based on incomplete testing. It did, however, discourage Lloyd as the media seemed determined to squash any hint that the Starchild could be extraterrestrial. Lloyd himself admitted that he wished he had not named the skull "the Starchild" as this lable seems to have invited ridicule from scientists who are stuck in the mainstream paradigm. This also made it extremely difficult to find a professional laboratory willing to test the DNA and possibly have their reputation associated with any controversial results.
Nevertheless, in 2003 Lloyd did find a laboratory, Trace Genetics, willing to let the truth of science prevail. They opted to take a rectangular "window" of the cranium bone and extract the DNA. The window of bone was cut into four smaller pieces for testing purposes. One was put into a
test tube filled with EDTA, and that was put into a rocker arm. A similar piece of bone from the
human was put in a rocker arm beside it. In one week the EDTA would entirely dissolve normal
human bone, which it did with the human from the mine tunnel. However, the Starchild's bone
did not dissolve at all, not in one week and not in one month. It had to be dissolved by a very
powerful detergent called 'Tween 20. This was another clear indication that the Starchild was
something other than entirely human because no other human bone required such handling.