What Osama Bin Laden
Doesn't Want YOU to Know

About the Phoenicians and the Jews!

Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A.

The memory of the horror that fell upon the United States and the rest of the world on Sept. 11, 2001 will remain with us for many generations to come. The root of all this trouble stems from Man's forgetfulness and abysmal ignorance that two ancient brothers, who are ethnic twins, known by the family name of Kheeberi (Heber), have a spiritual, legal, moral, and historic right to share the land now known as Israel and/or Palestine.

Even though these twins had different religious beliefs and practices since remotest times, they managed to be dedicated one for all - and all for one - musketeers in love, peace, and war for at least 30,000 years, according to authorities on the myths of the ancient Hindus. These two brothers were called Phoenicians and Jews (Hebrews). Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary defines "Heber" as Kheeber, meaning "Connected; Joined." Because they did colonize, rule, and inhabit every country on earth, also founding every civilization on earth, all human societies recognize their ancient hegemony both linguistically and mythically. We often call them Castor and Pollux or the Gemini Twins.

The 17th century orientalist Edward Pococke wrote in India in Greece:

Rome's great deified heroes were the chiefs of Castwar and Balik - Castor & Polluk's - the former the son of Leda, and brother of Pollox, that is, both of the Cashmirians and the people of Balk sprang from Leda - or Ladakh.

The Hindus call them The Asvin Brothers and The Nasatya Twins. The Southwestern Indian tribes call them The War Twins. For the Zunis, they were Maseway and Sheoyeway; The upland Yumas call them Matavila and Judaba. The Acomas remember them as Masewi and Ojuyewi. The Navajos call them collectively Ethkyn-Nah-Ishi, a name that cannot hide one of the names of the ancient Scythians (Skythians): Ashkenazi, the same Scythian group that gave the world Guatama Buddha. The ancient Mexicans called them Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca. They were also known by their collective name, which varied slightly according to the dialects and languages of each region: Quivira (the part of the USA from the Mexican border up to and including Kansas and Nebraska), Baboquivari mountain near Sells, AZ, Quiburi, the area around Benson, Arizona, The Great Kabar (Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and part of Western Turkey), Kheeber-bora (Hyperborea or all of Russia, including Eastern Siberia and Alaska); Khiberia (Iberia or Spain, Italy, half of Africa, etc.,) Khibernia (Hybernia or England, Scotland, and Ireland), Kheeber-al-Tar (Gibraltar), Kheepri (Cyprus), biblical Kabar-nahum (Capernam), the great Cobar, Coppara, and Koober-Pedy in Australia, Koobek (Quebec in Canada), Cuba in the Caribbean region, Coahuila in Northern Mexico and Southern Texas, and so many other places that naming them all would suffocate this article. They were also worshipped under their exact names in Inca Peru, Michoacán, Mexico, in Southwestern USA as the Puebloan deity Kokopelli, etc.

One of the largest tribes in South America, the Guaraní, Derive their collective name from Kuvarani: "Kubera's People." The sun, Kuarehy (Kuvarei,) is the home of the Guarani supreme god Tupa. Tupa may derive from Suva, a name of Shiva.

The Guate in Guate-mala is the only way the Mayans could pronounce Kubare. Mala was one of the seven islands of the Antara-Dwipa of God Vishnu. Antara means "distant; another country; in the middle; on the way." The reader will readily recognize that Antara is similar to the name of the Carribean island chain of Antilla (Ant-EE-yah), where Columbus first anchored his three ships, the Pinta, Nina, and Santa MarÌa. Dwipa/Dvipa means "An island; Peninsula; A division of the terrestrial world." The Caribbean tribes would have pronounced Antara as Antila or Antala. Kuvere-Mala (Guatemala) is also a part of the Mayan lands known as Nacaste, derived from the Sanskrit Naga-Shetra (Land of the Nagas).

This name Kheeberi, for all practical purposes, the "whole world," has crept into our English language as Cyber (Kheeber), used in compound words to denote "Everywhere:" Cybernetics; cyberspace, etc.

... the Phoenicians themselves claimed to have been civilized since about 30,000 BC.

The history of the fathers of all non-Africanoid humanity, a.k.a., Scythians, and all civilizations began only "God-knows-when" in the Khyber Mountain region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. In those days, the country we call India stretched from Alaska, down through Siberia, Russia, all of Central Asia, all of what we now call "India," as far as Antarctica. The Bible states that the world began in about 5,000 BC. That myth confuses and misdirects scholars, leading them into serious errors, for the Phoenicians themselves claimed to have been civilized since about 30,000 BC.

In 1904, Jogendra Mohon Gupta, wrote an essay in which he thoroughly described his hypothesis that the Phoenicians were the fathers of all world civilizations:

The Phoenicians held their own civilization to be the most ancient and declared it to be thirty thousand years old. There is however no doubt that they were one of the first civilized nations of the world, if not the first, and that Phoenicia was not their first home. Instead of tracing them to their first settlements on the coasts of Arabia or Persia or in Afghanistan the historians of Europe have located them at once in Phoenicia, and hence the mistake that points to the origin of all civilization in Egypt. I would not discuss here the question whether Afghanistan was the first home of the Phoenicians or not. But I would affirm that the Panis or Panih of the Rig Veda were the same people as the ancient Phoenicians of Afghanistan. (To read his complete essay, see my book, From Khyber (Kheeber) Pass to Gran Quivira (Kheevira), NM and Baboquivari, AZ - When India Ruled the World!)

Edward Pococke also provides us with enough information to intuit accurately the relations that the Phoenicians and Jews had with India in ancient times:

... it is evident that the land which once sent forth to distant conquest, and to the foundation of such thriving settlements, these Tartarian tribes, must have vastly retrograded in the scale of civilization. What can be said of the present semi-barbarous land, which produced the Hiv-ites, for these were the people of Khiva! It is but too evident, that an immense retrogression in civilised life, and in the arts of war and peace, must have taken place in the Tartarian regions; for we have no right to assume that any of the great families of mankind were less civilized than the Egyptians, who formed a component part of the same emigration. The people of Khiva, however, seem to have been scattered over the surface of Cama, though they are found principally in the vicinity of Gaza. (p. 218.)

Let us now take a view of the maritime portion of this remarkable country, where the most interesting monuments still remain, establishing the fact of that ancient Greek connection with India, so often alluded to by so many writers, so pertinaciously denied by some, so suspected by others. There to the north, dwelt the singularly ingenious and enterprising people of Phoenicia. Their first home was Afghanistan, that is, the land of the Ophi-enses or Serpent Tribe ... whose symbol was the Serpent ... this people were styled Bhainikoi (Phainikoi) or "The Hyas." (pp. 218-219.)

A Phoenician Gall

There is yet another important view in which the Khaiberi are to be considered. They are the ... Hebrews.

Pococke also states:

Behold now the simple fact: The Cabeiri are the Khyberi, or people of the Khyber ... The Cabeiri are ... Cuvera, the Hindoo god of wealth and regent of the North, - that is, in simple language, the Kyber; it's region is wealthy and abounds with rubies; gold is found in the rivers in its vicinity, and it was likewise the ruling northern power in those days ... There is yet another important view in which the Khaiberi are to be considered. They are the Khebrew-i, or Hebrews.

... We have, then, in the Cabeiri, the representatives of a form of Bud-histic worship and Bud'histic chiefs, extending from the Logurh district (Locri) to Cashmir, the object of worship of the Hya (Yah), and the Phoenician race, for they are but one. They are the Khebrew-i, or Hebrews ... The tribe of Yudah (Judah) is in fact the very Yadu (Yadava) ... The people of God were literally taken out from amongst the other tribes, to be especially sanctified for the moral and religious generation of mankind.

Hence it is, that among the Greek writers of antiquity such a stress is always laid on the piety of the "Hyperboreans," that is the people of Khaiber, or the Hebrews ... I have no doubt whatever, that the northern limits of Afghanistan will be demonstrated to be the starting point of these two great families of language, and consequently of nations. The Afghans have claimed descent from the Jews, or Ioudaioi (Youdai-oi); the reverse is the case. The Haibrews or Khaibrews, are descended from the Yadoos. In that very land of the Yadoos, or Afghans - Dan and Gad, still remain of the feeble remnants of Jewish antiquity. (pp. 220-221, in passim.)

Mystics, astrologers, and New Agers like to make much of these "Gemini Twins." However, nothing "magical" or "Outer-Spacey" turned them into deities. Having learned the movements of ocean currents, prevailing winds, and the like, they were able to touch the shores of every country on the globe. Every single tribe and nation on earth, even the most savage tribes living in the most impenetrable jungles, came to know about the "Gemini Twins" - or should I say, Cyber-Twins?

Their Sanskrit names, Pani (Trader) and Yuddhi (Warrior; Conqueror), clearly explain the part that each Hebraic clan had to play in this historic relationship.

In those remotest of times, places like Afghanistan weren't so barren and hostile to human life as they are now. The area was exceedingly fertile. As time went by, the Khyberis or Kheebers came to own all the arable land, creating vast feudal estates. Although their religion preached that mankind should be humanitarian, they became selfish and cruel to landless peasants and nomads. As their wealth in land and cattle grew, the nomads or Abels (not cattle), had less and less free space to graze their sheep and goats. Finally, the Khybers and the Abels began to make war on each other. Little by little, the Abels were absorbed into the feudal system as slaves. An enlightened king of the time, whom we now worship as Yahve or Jehovah, intervened in order to prevent a ghastly genocide. He ordered the settled Ganaana (Canaanites or Kheeberis) to quit monopolizing all the land and look for other ways to get rich, such as trading. Many of the Kheeberis, both traders and farmers, spread out, going down to what is now Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharasthra, and other parts of Western India. On the Western coast of Northern India, they built shipyards and started making trading expeditions abroad. Their Sanskrit names, Pani (Trader) and Yuddhi (Warrior; Conqueror), clearly explain the part that each Hebraic clan had to play in this historic relationship.

These Semitic looking figure heads are were found in Mexico and are usually attributed to the Olmec culture that pre-dated the Aztecs. Note their beards, absent in natives of that land, and the floppy hat which is typical of Phoenician sailors.

Meanwhile, back in Khyberia (the Khyber Mountain region), the Kheeberis discovered how to smelt copper, The discovery of copper was probably the greatest historical happening in the history of the world.

There was no end to the demand, and the Cabeiris had a monopoly on the market, both national and international.

The boats of the Phoenicians, accompanied by their warrior-trader partners, the Yuddhis, cautiously ventured beyond India. Competition in the copper market encouraged more and more Phoenicians to take to the seas. The Phoenician traders began to squabble among themselves, to see who got the best trade routes, seaports, and the like. A king of that time, possibly King Pancika (Phoenician), portrayed in the statue of him and his wife Hariti, shown in this article, ordered them to quit concentrating mainly on India and establish permanent colonies on distant shores.

King Pancika and his wife, Hariti.

For a while, the Khyberis/Cyberis and their subjects, both leaders and commoners, enjoyed the advantages of a prosperity unequaled in the history of the world. To get miners and craftsmen, the Quivira ruling and merchant class offered high wages and innumerable fringe benefits. People probably risked their lives emigrating to Sivapuri, just as impoverished workers in Third World countries are now fighting to enter the United States. The miners, who were dwarves, were so vital to the success of the Phoenicians that they became deified, first under the Kassites and Hittites (the leadership caste of Phoenicians), and later among the Greeks as the Cabeiris.

As the now widespread Cabeiris opened up new copper and gold mines in various parts of the world, demand for the mining and industrial output of the North Indian Khyber people began to decrease dramatically. Other problems also plagued Sivapuri (another name of the Khyber region, which comprised Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Kashmir). Khyberia was running out of copper. In desperation, mining engineers encroached upon the property of the farmers and cattle ranchers, seizing whatever properties still containing valuable mineral wealth. Severe climatic changes in about 5,000 BC made much land unfit for farming and grazing, both for settled farmers and nomadic shepherds. During this time, the biblical flood, actually confined to that part of Northern India, sent many hundreds of thousands of Indians fleeing to other countries. They became the fathers of Egypt, Greece, Rome, Sumeria, China, and other brilliant civilizations.

With demand for craftsmen and miners down, the Cabeiri had no more pressures on them to offer high wages and incentives to workers. The jobless workers could not return to their farms because most of these had become unproductive - or appropriated by the Cabeiris. Food was in scarce supply; only the Quiviris could afford to buy it. Again, the landless peasants, unemployed craftsmen, and nomads declared war on the Kheeberis.

Disastrous weather conditions appeared to fight on the side of the Brahm-Aryans or Devas, as the enemies of the Kheeberis were called in those days. Serious flooding inundated the lowlands; a devastating earthquake caused the Indus river to change its proper bed. The existing coastline and seaports sank under the sea which moved inland by more than fifty miles. These natural calamities, plus about 1,500 years of fighting, finally brought the Indus Valley civilization to its knees in approximately 1,900 BC. Most of the Panis and Yuddhis abandoned India forever.

Abraham and Sarah, the ancestors of Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, left with them. These hordes of refugees were mainly Javan (Yavana), young people, who were high caste leaders (Khatti, Kshatriya, or "Hittites" as we know them), warriors (Yuddhi or "Jews"), Panis (Phoenicians), skilled craftsmen, clerks, and other high level commoners (Marutta or "Amorites"), Kaul-Devas (Chaldeans or the priestly caste) ≠ all of whom were Cabeiris or Quiviras (Phoenicians and Jews) i.e. Yadavas. Joining the descendants of those who had left India after the Great Flood, they brought new blood and vigor to Sumeria, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Rome; to Mayapán, in Yucatan, the lands of the Incas and Moshicas in Peru, Chinese civilization, and to every other civilization on earth.

The escaping Cabeiris became your forefathers and mine. We have no trouble tracing their wanderings around the world, for wherever they stopped, they left some form of the word Cabeiri/ Quivira/ Cybera/ Quara/ Kubera/ Quivari/ Kuare, Kuala, etc.

The ancient Indian caste divisions didn't work in the old days, just as they don't work now. Not everyone wanted to work at hereditary occupations. Little by little, these castes turned into so-called "ethnicities," becoming for us Brits or British (Bharats), Scots (Scythians), Goths, Welsh, Visigoths, Hittites, Kassites, Kushites, Amorites, Celts (Kelts), Canaanites, Palestinians, Jutes (Juddhis), Samarians (Sham-Arya), Bavarians (Bhav-Arya), Scandanavians (Skanda-Nava), Hopi Indians (Hopis), Hispanics (Ishpanis) Nahuas of Mexico (Navajas, Sanskrit for "Sailor"), Ai-Guptos ("Egyptians," a word derived from a Sanskrit word Gupta, meaning a keeper of cattle) and variations of every other so-called "tribe" or "ethnicity" on earth.

Although over the centuries the partnership between the Phoenicians and Jews (Kheeberi), got steadily hazier and weaker, both groups had a dim memory of who and what they were until after World War II. Before then, the Lebanese, Jordanians, Syrians, and Palestinians knew that they were in reality Phoenicians. They told me so. However, after the war, the United Nations divided these countries as they saw fit, not considering that similar cultures, not geographical boundaries, are the true nations. Now, fifty years later, even the Lebanese, Jordanians, Syrians and Palestinians have at last swallowed the bait that they are Arabs. Can Humpty-Dumpty ever be put back together again?

If Osama Bin Laden reads this article, he'll probably pray that l be denounced as a fraud. He may say, "When the guys I conned into committing suicide find out that God isn't going to give them all the virgins they want, and if the Phoenicians and Jews become "twins" again, I won't have any place to hide. My goose will be cooked for sure!"

Located part way up a 400 foot high mesa in Hidden Mountain, New Mexico, the famous Los Lunas Stone (pictured with the author's wife) is inscribed in an ancient form of Hebrew and contains an abreviated version of the Ten Commandments. Many point to this as proof of cultural diffusion by Phoenicians, who came to North America for mining and trade.

In this article, I have not been able to give all the details that I would like to give. However, I have written two books, each of which will give readers all the vital information to know the real ancient history of the Phoenicians and Jews (Kheeberi). The first, The Last Atlantis Book You'll Ever Have to Read, is right now being marketed by Dandelion Publications, Tempe, Az. It gives a short, fascinating, and thorough history of the ancient Phoenicians. The other is, From Khyber (Kheeber) Pass to Gran Quivira, NM and Baboquivari, Az - When India Ruled the World. This work concentrates on the worldwide Quivira phenomenon and is the most thorough book ever written on this little-known subject. After reading this book, as well as the other, you'll never see the American Southwest - or the world - in the same way again. It will be on sale on all online bookstores before New Year, 2002.

[Many thanks to Romeo Hristov for the top image of the Calixtlahuaca Head]

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