Here is a mystery worthy of contemplation.

I have always been fascinated by Zecharia Sitchin's many books on ancient Sumeria. In most of his books, he shows pictures from Sumerian seals and amulets that are more than 6,000 years old.

The image above is a drawing that Sitchin used in his books to depict the ancient deity Bur.Buru, literally meaning "he who solves secrets," also known as Buzur, "God of the deep mines," and in Hebrew, Nahash.

Another Sumerian wax seal depicting the symbol.

Curiously, the same symbol is shown in the rare copy of C. W. Leadbeater's book, The Hidden Life of Freemasonry. Leadbeater says of this symbol:

In Egypt they had a symbol of very great significance, called the Arrow of Ra, which includes both the square of the R.W.M. and his gavel of office. (Plate VIII) (page 260).

In our plate the different parts are separate, but sometimes they are joined together, and then one gets the effect of an arrow, whence it is named the Arrow of Ra, the Sun-God, who was also called Horus of the Double Horizon, the Son of Osiris and Isis, and yet a reincarnation of Osiris, God in evolu-tion. The lower portion of the drawing refers to His descent into matter, the inverted square signi-fying descent, and the angle beneath symbolizing the cavern of matter into which He went down. The upper square then indicates that He ascended or rose again. The symbol in the centre - that of the double axe - is that of the Most High God; so the complete glyph is thus a kind of symbolic creed, which for those who drew it affirmed their faith in the descent of the Deity into matter and His final triumphant ascension from it: "descended He; ascended He". If we were to interpret it along lines of Christian symbology we might call it the emblem of the crucified and triumphant Christ; but it is also a token of the whole method of evolution.

This device appears in many places. It is to be seen in the museum of the Louvre in Paris, engraved upon a Chaldaean intaglio made of green jasper. It is also to be found on the walls of some very old churches in Devonshire and Cornwall in England, where it must have been engraved by the wandering Freemasons who built those churches, for the orthodox Christians could have known nothing of it.

Well? How can an occult symbol that is part of the oldest known civilization become an integral part of Freemasonry? And a symbol that refers to none other than "Nahash," the "serpent" of Genesis?

Your help is requested. What do you think?

Please send thoughts and information to and we will post them here.

Thanks - Viewzone editor.

This is universal symbology and is actually very simple. Due to its universality much can be read into it. This is Jacob's Ladder; the Chakra System; and it also illustrates the perfect emanation from above vs the conflicting forces below (that of reconciliation between separate energies of thought of the ego and that of the Creative Principle in Action. The Cross near the top is the Pituitary Gland, or the actuating point of manifest reconciled energy between the perfect emanation from above, or the Ultra Violet ray translated by the crystals in your Pineal Gland, and reconciled as energy that can be interpreted by dedicated cells of the brain as it interacts with the double helical spiral of blue and purple from below, or the kundalini (serpent). It is our reconciliation, connection, pathway and vehicle - it may be used to ascend and descend, by us, as I AM - and the hierarchy above.

Arne Rodhall, Belize

Dear ViewZone:

I think the Indus seals were identity seals. Its signs or carving marked the month in which the owner was conceived as well as the month in which he was born. These two events were frequently embedded in the course of the year. The Sumerian seals may have had the same meaning. They may also have been identity seals, and its signs or carvings may have marked the period of conceiving as well as the period of birth. In his contribution J.L.Cooper wrote about male /\ and female \/ signs. Combined, the X sign represents the unification of both aspects, resulting in the act of copulation.

When this is true the first symbol can be "read" like this:

The three signs together may have meant: "with the strength of An (the sky), when the earth dominated, (autumn and winter) a child was conceived".

The second symbol can be “read” like this:

The three signs together may have meant:

"with the strength of An (the sky), when the light dominated, (spring and summer) new life came down to earth (a child was born.)"

The two signs together may have meant:

"With the strength of the sky a child was conceived in autumn or winter, and it was born in spring or summer".

The symbol on the other seal can be "read" like this:

The "story" of the coitus and the "story" of the birth of a man may have been united in one symbol. Together the signs may have meant:

"When the earth dominated (autumn or winter) a man was conceived. He descended to earth in the light period of the year (he was born in spring or summer)".

When “reading” the signs this way these two Sumerian seals appear to be identity seals, just like the Indus seals, see:

Tom van Bakel

Dear ViewZone:

I have attached the "Official Device of the Order of Sion" for your inspection. I think you will note the similarities in the shapes, especially the two facing "v" shapes at the bottom and the "v" shape at the top. This is supposedly the "logo" or "family crest" of the "seed" of Jesus, who bore offspring through Mary of Magdala.

Since the word "Messiah" literally means "the anointed one," we can conjecture that Jesus received his ordination from Mary of Magdala, (who annointed his feet in the Bible) -- a priestess who was described as having divested herself of seven "sins."

The "seven sins" refers to her achievement of attaining the seventh and highest level of enlightenment under the Isis (aka: Inanna, Astarte, Ishtar...) cult, which was centered in the ancient city of Magdala. In this cult, as with the cult of Mithras, a male was prophesied to become the "Sol Ivictus" and be sacrificed for appeasement of human sins.

Since this symbol can be traced back to Sumeria (6500 years ago) it is likely that this also represents the "bond of heaven and earth" which was established with Noah (aka: Ziusudra, Utnaipshtim...) following the legend of the hybridization of the Gods (Elohim) with primitive man before the flood. In this bond, or agreement, the deities instruct Noah of his Godly heritage and inform him that certain human hybrids have certain "talents" that they inherit from the Gods which can be "unlocked" and developed in seven stages. At each stage the human must show that he/she will use the power for good and that he/she has self-control. Then the next level is released by some secret methodology. This is the basis of all esoteric religions and secret societies.

This "bond" was used to make some humans, with superior potential and character, fit to be "kings" over men as the Gods retired from active control of human affairs. These individials are also called upon to make social and cultural changes, supposedly for the advancement of humanity. But the talents can also be used for greed and evil purposes.

The symbol in question acknowledges this reality and designates the purest lineage of the hybrid potential.

I hope this is helpful.


Well? How can an occult symbol that is part of the oldest known civilization become an integral part of Freemasonry? Did not the Freemasons begin with the Knights Templars? The Knights Templars were all over the middle east learning. Further the double headed axe is a womans weapon. So the most high God is a woman, which I've said all along who tossed Nahash out of heaven. The story has it that she created him first. She danced across the heavens and rolled the energy she sluffed off into a snake and then the snake wrapped itself around her and impregnated her. Then he tried to say he had created all. She tossed him out of heaven. He isn't really a serpent but a spirit and as a spirit a shape shifter. He is her favorite. He is here to see why women rule and it is as it is, which is why men have ruled on earth. The symbol I believe means him because, in math you do the calculations for what's in quotes first. Goddess was first, so to represent her you would have the Double sided Axe within quotes, because she was first, and the ^ representing her energy going out from her. For her favorite and first creation, Nagash it would be The double sided Axe with inverted quotes showing her energy going out from her in creation and the bottom V would be showing his energy is within him from her, like a graal.

And a symbol that refers to none other than "Nahash," the "serpent" of Genesis?

Your help is requested. What do you think?

I just stumbled onto viewzone for the first time yesterday and in poking about, saw your article on the symbol that was shown on the Sumerian clay tablet and also appears in Leadbeater's book on secret masonic symbols and rites.

I too have read all the Sitchin books and really feel that this supports my contention that the Sumerian "gods and goddesses" were alien in origin and that they are still "overlords" of this planet. I believe they are the powers behind the Illuminati in control of the world system, supported by the millions of unsuspecting, civic-minded masons. The whole world economic system is controlled by this negative force. The fact that the Sumerian clay tablet is the first earthly depiction (that we are currently aware of) is the link between them.

Mary L. Tabatcher

Goodday, A few years back I had e-mailed the 'pass phrases' utilized between members of the 32nd Degree in York Rite Freemasonry to see if the Sabaen translator would provide meaning.

Pharas kol
Phuel kol
Nakem Macha

Unsure of correct spelling as I'm not at my library, nonethless, the translation was pertinent to the context...

I believe that the answer to understanding the utility of these symbols by various 'mystery' groups is very simple. All of these groups are the same.

All of the religions are the same. As above /\ So below \/. This sentiment is found in the Lords Prayer, the Satanic Bible, the Vedas and the list goes on. It represents the dualistic nature of all things presented to contemporary society by Hegel, and previous to him, Plato, and in the East the I-Ching.

In many forms as single entities, even to this day, in graphics, company logo, and organizations.. examples being the much used pyramid on the American dollar /\ as above, with authority from above etc... and the \/ used as the 'pink triangle' representing homosexual rights groups (it's origin actually predates the usage of it to denote homosexuals in Nazi Germany)... as well it represents the same thing as the folk superstition of the horseshoe over the door, upside down to catch spiritual energy and translate it to material fortune... as the womb catches the sperm to translate the spiritual energy into material creation.

Combined, the symbol of Freemasonry, XX, represents the unification of both aspects, resulting in G, or Generation.

Any quick glance through traditional illustration of the Hindu major pantheon or that of Tibetan Buddhism will quickly reveal that.. quite often the 'god' portrayed is standing legs spread /\ with a female straddling his waist \/ in the act of copulation...

The Star of David, is nothing more than the Freemasonic symbol with the open ends closed with a straight line....and there are many many more examples of its usage thinly disguised.

What it represents to 'non-common' religious groups, and the esoteric meanings behind all 'monotheistic' beliefs... is simple... and very much a product of Zoroastrianism (pre-dating that as well) duality of the Godhead....or the necessity and mutual reliance between the two.

The true 'heresy' of the Templars was the believe in a dualistic godhood. To contemporary study, the 'arrow of Ra' could be equated with the Ye'houda ye Khabalot or the Ca'balla, the Tree of Life.. which, if referenced with the allegory of the forbidden fruit (The Tree of Knowledge), and the reasoning behind YHWH's statement that, had Adam and Eve eaten also of the Tree of Life they would be 'gods'. So, for thousands of years, various Mystery religions, and groups, be they secret societies, open priesthoods, orders, cults etc... under different names, used the same symbol to denote the relationships between all things and promote the understanding of this knowledge as the 'quest' for immortality, or godhead through the 'Tree of Life', that which, mythologically, 'the golden fruit' of Greece, and allegorically, the 'fruit of life' in the Garden of Eden in the Bible, has been kept from humanity.

To further extrapolate on the significance of the 'Freemasonic' symbol and it's forbears...It signifies the union of the male and female, the good and the bad, the sun and the moon, the above with the below and the spirit and the material...This harkens back to the complaints of Adam (Man) that he had not a mate as the other animals did, so, YHWH created Eve from him...the implications are, to the esoteric mysteries, that Man original, was a dual sexed individual until Eve was divided from him. There many examples that also lead me to believe that this is so, foremost being the image of Aphrodite in its original form, having feminine breasts, masculine beard, and both genitalia.. as well, Hermes Trismagistus... man, woman, and both, 'Thrice Great'. Is it difficult to see the origins of the 'Trinity'?

How is it that 'God' impregnates a woman who becomes 'his' mother? The answer is obvious to any who care to adjust the view.... (If you would like to read an excellent book on the subject...The Two Babylons - Alexander Hislop) An appropriate interpretation of the 'arrow of Ra' is evident in it's components.

The 'structure' at the top represents the multiplicity of the spirit, which, focusing, like a Ra of light, beams down, via the 'shaft' and into the ' \/ ' material vessel, or vassal....It is a symbol also of 'enlightenment' through the reception of 'authoritative spirit' it is of sexual generation...and other aforementioned things... I hope this was informative. I'm glad to contribute.


Hello there;

I've read the tall answer by Mr. Cooper, but there is a tiny point that I would like to fix or let's say just to mention. Among almost all scholars and along the history of Judaism and Christianity and even in Islam, Messiah comes from the hebrew word (Mashach) משח and Jesus was called Msheecha in aramaic and hebrew (and in arabic it's Al-Maseeh). The point is, (Mashach) more or less in the three languages means "to pass his hands over" or "to anoint" as Mr Cooper said, but it is not because of the reason that he said. In Judaism and the hebrew culture as well as it is in the eastern Christian culture, as well as it is with muslims later, it is usual to call someone as "Masheech" which means that God with passed His own hands over that person with wisdom, so at that time any scholar that ot knowledge of Torah and the old testament was called "Masheech" means like God endowed him with wisdom from His side. By the time, and when Jesus was born and because Jesus challenged the most wisemen at his time with philosophical matters, the world didn't know later on except of one Messiah: Jesus. So in summary, it is not because of an event that Jesus was called Messiah, but because of culture, Jesus was called Messiah.

By the way, I don't know much about Freemasons and how such symbol was adapted by them, but I really don't see anything amazing about such an act. Secret societies in the past century used to adabt different things from different cultures because they believed in the oriental magick. Maybe the most sign of that, the Kabbalah, which was founded in 12th century by Jews in Spain, and it got spread all over Europe, and after then by time the "christian Kabbalah" was founded. Secret societies in darkages and so used to make a secret out of anything, especially with the church watching around for heretics. Then we should also accept an essential part in humans' lives, and that is the coincedence. If people are arguing about such a shape that was founded in Sumer and Egypt and Europe, then I guess they didn't know that the name of the Sphinx of Egypt was mentioned in one of the Babylonian or Sumerian epics (I think it was Enuma Elish which means "when in high", or Gilgamish), and still scholars and archaologists and others don't know what is the secret connection between the Mesopotamians and that Sphinx of Egypt, although it is agreed on that the Sphinx represents one of the great Pharaohs, Khufu or Khepru (if my spelling was right). One more point, I think if you searched in the old symbols used in the writing systems of Elam (specially the old Elamite) you can see something like this symbol of Arrow-of-Ra'.

Well, I really do believe when it comes to an arrow like that, then what we can do about a matter like that of the pyramids of the Mayans or the new discovered pyramids of eastern Europe? It's gona be a looooong talk!

Thanks! TJ

One of your contributors to your webpage, has made a very common mistake regarding Mary of Magdala. The Bible does not identify her as being the woman who annointed Jesus' feet. Luke writes of an unnamed woman. John identifies her as Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus and Martha. (Most folks will remember her as the sister who sat at Jesus' feet, listening to him talk, while her sister did all the work.) Was it two different women, on two different occasions? Who knows. But, there's nothing to identify her as Mary Magdalene. And, for anyone who questions that, there's nothing in the Bible to identify Mary Magdalene as either a sinner or a prostitute. Thus Luke's account does not necessarily refer to her, rather than Mary of Bethany. Some of your readers may argue with this, but ask them to prove it, Biblically, rather than with traditional teachings and old rumors. As for Mary of Magdala having Jesus' children? Again, who knows? It would be kinda cool, if it were true, but there are no canonical writings that either prove or disprove this theory.

Rev. Tamalyn Kralman

For those who might be wondering what 'the arrow of Ra' is doing on a Sumerian cylinder seal, my own studies of the archaeological texts indicate there was a great cross over between the gods of Egypt under Enki-Ptah and Ra, and the gods of Sumer and Canaan representing Enlil's pantheon. Mr. Sitchin presents these two groups as warring against one another, but that appears to be a rather deceptive claim. For instance, Enlil's youngest son, Baal-Adad, was well-known in Egypt as 'the evil Seth.' If Seth and Baal were one and the same, then it appears self evident that Baal-Adad' s father, Enlil, who was known in Sumer as 'Lord Earth', would have been known as 'Geb' in Egypt. The evidence certainly suggests precisely that, for Geb was called 'Lord Earth' in Egypt, and both entities are represented as members of the Egyptian Ogdoad, of which Ra, the sun god, is considered the supreme ruler.

The peculiar dynasty of Ra, as the sun god, appears to go much further back in the historical accounts than either Egypt or Sumer. For instance, in the very ancient and legendary Hindu accounts of Lemuria derived from the mysterious Kumari Kandam tales, it was one 'Ra Mu' who apparently judged the continent of Mu and had it destroyed using technologies that might well be defined as 'scalar' in their scope. The victorious Ra Mu then becomes the legendary Ra Ma of the Veda's, and introduced the caste system still taught by the Hindu's today.

To be born a Hindu in India is to enter the caste system, one of the world's longest surviving forms of social stratification. Embedded in Indian culture for the past 1,500 years, the caste system follows a basic precept: All men are created unequal. The ranks in Hindu society come from a legend in which the main groupings, or varnas, emerge from a primordial being. From the mouth come the Brahman -- the priests and teachers. From the arms come the Kshatriyas --the rulers and soldiers. From the thighs come the Vaisyas -- merchants and traders. From the feet come the Sudra -- laborers. Each varna in tu rn contains hundreds of hereditary castes and subcastes with their own pecking orders.

A fifth group describes the people who are achuta, or untouchable. The primordial being does not claim them. Untouchables are outcasts -- people considered too impure, too polluted, to rank as worthy beings. Prejudice defines their lives, particularly in the rural areas, where nearly three-quarters of India's people live. Untouchables are shunned, insulted, banned from temples and higher caste homes, made to eat and drink from separate utensils in public places, and, in extreme but not uncommon cases, are raped, burned, lynched, and gunned down. [ http://mag ]

The beginning verses of the Ramayana tells us that ‚ÄúRama was king from the center of the world, to the four oceans' shores,'and anyone who has ever studied the pyramid complex at Giza surely realizes that the Great Pyramid, dedicated to the sun god Ra, stands exactly at ‚'the center of the world', which is precisely where the Indian Veda's tell us that Rama ruled from. Since ancient Afghanistan and Persia (present-day Iran; a people called the 'Elamites' in the Sumerian and biblical texts), were actually a part of the India's Rama Empire, we might realistically conclude that that the 'Anunnaki invasion' of the Near and Middle East was not necessarily extraterrestrial after all, but was actually an expansionist invasion of the Rama Empire of India. Anyone familiar with the Indian texts should surely realize that whoever these beings were, they quite apparently employed a very high technology, which at the very least included rockets and airplanes. Further exploration of those texts certainly suggests they had a considerable arsenal of weapons of mass destruction as well.

The 'arrow of Ra' may well have had far more than a 'spiritual' meaning. According to some modern day physicists; the author Joseph P. Farrell for instance, one might conclude that the 'arrow' represented scalar waves originating at the Great Pyramid, amplified by sympathetic resonance in the King's chamber, and then traveling down the ley lines to it's target. Historical evidence certainly suggests that many of those wave forms were military in nature, while others suggest that microwave mind manipulation wave forms were aimed down the leys to the various 'oracle centers.'

In the Freemason agenda, Ra becomes 'the grand architect' and he and his sidekick, Thoth, were worshipped by the Masons who were ever engaged in extending the leyline system that begins and ends and the Great Pyramid. Today that ley system covers the entire earth like a cage. Through their use of employing 'sacred geometry' and in particular, the peculiar use of incorporating 'magic squares;' a practice which appears to be akin to some sort of high tech form of sorcery, the Masons continued in the construction of temples, cathedrals and these days, even office buildings, dedicating a profound number of those so called 'sacred sites' to the 'magic square of the sun' which represented Ra. In essence, magic squares are blocks of numbers which produce the same sum whether they are added in horizontal rows, columns or diagonals. The sum of the numerals of the magic square of the sun, dedicated to no one other than Ra, adds up to the number 666. Unfortunately, several of the major buildings in Washington D.C. were constructed using the magic square of the sun. One might realistically wonder what sort of effect this type of sorcery is having on our elected and non-elected officials.

It is also noteworthy that Akhenaton introduced the worship of Ra's sun disk as 'the Aten.' Eventually the Heliopolitan priesthood, (known as the Pharisees in the New Testament) demanded that Ra be worshipped as 'the one god,' and the Sons of Aten began their bid for global domination. It is interesting to note that in the Egyptian Coptic language, the term 'sons of Aten' would have been written 'SA.ATEN' however apparently 'scribal errors' reduced this phrase to 'Satan'. One might realistically contemplate is the scribes that ticked Jesus off throughout the New Testament were engaged in practices that attempted to hide the true meaning behind 'the word.'

Whether one calls him Ra Mu, Rama, Ra, the Babylonian Marduk, or Aten, we appear to have identified an entity that at the very least, seems to have been the primordial 'grand architect' directing a very long term agenda for total control through a one-world governing system.

K. A. Kelly

It always impresses me that people can find in something like the "arrow of Ra" such a great deal of mystery. The fact that it appears in several different cultures throughout the Middle East should come as no surprise to anyone. There was certainly enough traffic between the various people of the time to account for any number of shared symbols and gods. The Israelites alone, starting with Abraham all the way through the Babylonian captivity, notwithstanding that they were nominally a monotheistic theocracy, fell victim to idolatry and carried it all over the area, and certainly into areas beyond during the dispersion. It would be a mystery of biblical proportions if they didn't share symbols and gods. No one questions the use of Greek gods among the Romans, or even among the barbarian tribes the came in contact with. No one questions the use of the Persian Mithra by the Roman army. If people found something that they thought worked better than what they already had, they appropriated it. If their enemies had a god of evil, why not take that one? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

If you accept the Bible as valid, you can find the basis for much of the early mythology:

Snake worship = serpent of Eden -- supposedly brought knowledge to man and was punished for it.
     = origin of belief in dragons, serpent in Eden was believed to fly
     = belief that wisdom was somehow hidden, and required rituals to find it or hide it

Garden of Eden = origin of sacred groves

The promise to Adam of a Redeemer = the belief that a man (or a king at least) could be a god

The mark on Cain = probably the origin of ritual markings or tattooing, for protection etc.

The exile of Cain = the line of demarcation between the rural and the urban,
     between the pastoral and the tradesmen,
     between the tent dwellers, nomads, and the city dwellers.
     between the wooden, and water and star gods, and the gods of brass and iron.

The tower of Babel = likely origin of most megalithic projects and pyramids. Probably still with us today.

There's a great deal more. And it doesn't require a doctorate to see how and where a lot of ancient beliefs could have had their beginnings, and why some themes seem to be universal.

Most people today couldn't trace their ancestry back beyond their grandparents. Yet they know their astrological signs, they read the I Ching, they are conversant about "auras," they dabble in the Kaballah, they worship Buddha, Confucius, Tao, Kali, Shinto, Feng Shiu; and these are just the Americans. How can anybody imagine that the same circumstances didn't exist in ancient times, when all people took the idea of pantheons of gods seriously?

Jon H Benson

The arrow represents gravitational acceleration arrested and energy created from such.

The big bottom chevron is the flow of time/gravity on the large scale. The smaller chevrons pointed toward each other represent gravitational attraction between objects. The vertical line is a line of energy being compressed, so to speak. Space being compressed by gravitational attraction. The six points is that compression being redirected as energy. Space is a medium, not a nothing.

Take seven pennies and squeeze together. You have 6 pennies about one penny. Each penny represents the smallest of anything, or a theoretical center point. You have six rays converging or emanating from a central point. Therefore all sources of energy emanate from a center in only six directions on a single plane. Go 3D and you have 12. You can do the same with coffee stirring sticks, which will represent rays instead of centerpoints, and does change things a bit. The rays are branches. The fowls of the air alight on and between them. From a mustard seed does something great grow.

Gravity works in straight lines. Motion follows a straight line. An object will follow a straight line unless affected by other objects. Those gravitational straight lines pull it off course.

Matter is space knitted. Space is set into motion and creates a current that is closed upon itself due to the pressure of surrounding space. It creates boundaries and density differentials, and the spin creates vortexes, which is magnetic flow. Space pushes these toward each other. Matter is bubbles within space. Gravity is the squeezing of those bubble together. Our universe is a fluid like substance set into motion.

Dave N.

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