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Notes and further reading...
[1] Lindblom, J., (1963) Prophecy in Ancient Isrel. Philadelphia: Muhlenberg.
Daniel Flemming, "Nabu abd Munabbiatu: Two New Syrian Religious Personnel", Journal of the American Orient Society, Vol. 113, No. 2. Johnson, A. R., (1944) The Cultic Prophet in Ancient Israel, Cardiff: University of Wales. Bright, J. (1959) A History of Israel. Philadelphia: Westminister. [2] Virgil W. Rabe, "Origins of Prohpecy, American Schools of Orient Research, www.jstor.org/stable/1356093 Simon Parker, "Possession Trance and Prophecy in Pre-Exilic Israel", Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 28, Fasc. 3 (July 1978), pp 271-285 [3] Braun 1984, Braun and Sachs 1985, Kluft 1984, Putnam 1989, Stern 1984 Braun BG, "Hypnosis creates multiple personality: myth or reality?" , Int J Clin Exp Hypnosis 32:191-197, 1984 Braun BG, "Use of hypnosis with multiple personality", Psychiatric Annals, 14:34, 1984 Braun BG, "Towards a theory of multiple personality and other dissociative phenomena", PsychiatricClin North America 7:171-193 1984 Braun BG, "Issues in the psychotherapy of multiple personality disorder, in Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder", edited by Braun BG, Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1986, pp 1-28 [4] Braun BG, Sachs RG, "The development of multiple personality disorder: predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors, in Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality", edited by Kluft RP. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Press 1985 pp37-64 Putnam FW, "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder", New York, Guilford 1989 Spiegel H, Spiegel D: "Trance and Treatment: Clinical Uses of Hypnosis", (1978) Wash DC, American Psychiatric Press, 1987. Coons PM, Milstein V: "Psychosexual disturbances in multiple personality", J Nerv Ment Dis 47:106-110 1986 Bliss EL: "Multiple personalities: a report of 14 cases with implications for schizophrenia and hysteria." Arch Gen Psychiatry 37:1388-1397, 1980 Ross, Colin A.; Norton, G. Ron; Wozney, Kay, "Multiple personality disorder: An analysis of 236 cases." The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, Vol 34(5), Jun 1989, 413-418. Coons, Philip M.; Bowman, Elizabeth S.; Milstein, Victor, "Multiple personality disorder: A clinical investigation of 50 cases." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol 176(9), Sep 1988, 519-527. Spanos, Nicholas P., "Multiple identity enactments and multiple personality disorder: A sociocognitive perspective." Psychological Bulletin, Vol 116(1), Jul 1994, 143-165 [5] Ehling, Nijenhuis and Krikke (2001); Sapolsky, R. M. (2000). "Glucocorticoids and hippocampal atrophy in neuropsychiatric disorders." Archives of General Psychiatry, 57(10), 925-935. Nadel, L., & Jacobs, W. J. (1996). "The role of the hippocampus in PTSD, panic, and phobia." In N. Kato (Ed.) "The Hippocampus: Functions and clinical relevance." (pp. 455-463). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. Rosenbaum, M. (1980). "The role of the term schizophrenia in the decline of the diagnosis of multiple personality." Archives of General Psychiatry, 37, 1383-1385. "Hippocampal and Amygdalar Volumes in Dissociative Identity Disorder", Eric Vermetten; Christian Schmahl; Sanneke Lindner; Richard J. Loewenstein; J. Douglas Bremner, Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:630-636. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 122 (2003) 193-198, "Magnetic resonance imaging of hippocampal and amygdala volume in women with childhood abuse and borderline personality disorder", Christian G. Schmahla, Eric Vermettenb, Bernet M. Elzingac, J. Douglas Bremnerde [7] Reinhold N, Markowitsch HJ. "Retrograde episodic memory and emotion: a perspective from patients with dissociative amnesia." Neuropsychologia. Sep 2009;47(11):2197-206. [8] Bruce LL, Neary TJ (1995). "The limbic system of tetrapods: a comparative analysis of cortical and amygdalar populations". Brain Behav. Evol. 46 (4-5): 224-34. doi:10.1159/000113276. PMID 8564465. [9] Bigler and Clement, Diagnostic Clinical Neuropsychology at 14 (3d Ed.) Erik Lordahl & Henry Schawb, Concentration Camp Auschwitz Inmate Mail, German Postal Specialist, P. 415-41, September, 1998 Erik Lordahl, German Concentration Camps 1933-1945, History and Inmate Mail (2000). Referred to as Lordahl. Justin R. Gordon, Post Card From Auschwitz, The Israel Philatelist, P. 12-13, February, 2006
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