by Gary Vey for viewzone
Without revealing the location, a team of explorers and researchers announced on December 15th, 2009, that they had discovered an underwater city in the Caribbean -- and backed up their claim with some amazing satellite photographs.
This is a deja-vu of the alleged discovery of "Atlantis" that was made back in 2001 by a Canadian based team that claimed to have found an underwater city off the Western tip of Cuba. The leader of that expedition claimed the site was in very deep waters -- more than 2000 feet -- and produced photographs collected through sonar scans and videotapes of the site taken from an unmanned vehicle which showed symmetrically arranged formations. Their white colour suggests they are made from cut, granite-like stone rather than naturally formed limestone, which is grey or black when oxidized.
Like the announcement made today, the evidence was photographic in nature and was widely reported around the globe. Most news sources simply copied reports from other sources and no one bothered to dig deeper to learn who was making the claims and to determine if anyone had replicated their claims. The present announcement has the same circumstances -- even more suspicious since no names were mentioned.
You would expect that anyone would be happy to have their names connected with such a wonderful discovery. This seems very odd. And, yes, there is money involved.
The megalithic formations from the 2001 claim [above] -- called Mega for short -- occupied an area of about 20 square kilometres and it was suggested that they might be the remains from a series of rooms connected by large corridors. Paulina Zelitsky, the exploration team's project director, wondered whether they were part of a temple-like building used for astronomical purposes about 8,000 years ago.
Zelitsky was also the president of the Advanced Digital Communications, a company that was supposed to be joint partners with the Cuban government to salvage archeological treasures from the waters off the Caribbean island. She was apparently more skilled at running a scam to lure investors to retrieve artifacts from the site than in doing any real archaeology. Following the initial announcement and the widely publicized, grainy photographs of rectangular shapes the whole discovery seemed to have been completely shut down. The last mention of Zelitsky was her arrest for financial irregularities in Mexico, where it is believed she was extradited to Toronto.
The New Discovery
This new site was found using advanced satellite imagery, and is not in any way associated with the alleged site found by Zelitsky. According to the new team, "To be seen on satellite, our site is much shallower."
But, of course there is a financial angle to this team's announcement. The team is currently seeking money to mount an expedition to confirm and explore "what appears to be a vast underwater city." And... they need funding.
From their press releases it appears that they may actually have discovered these lines and shapes entirely from the satellite images and not from the actual location (which they did not mention).
"You have to be careful working with satellite images in such a location. The digital matrix sometimes misinterprets its data, and shows ruins as solid masses. The thing is, we've found structure -- what appears to be a tall, narrow pyramid; large platform structures with small buildings on them; we've even found standing parallel post and beam construction in the rubble of what appears to be a fallen building. You can't have post and beam without human involvement." -- The Team's principal investigator.
Is this Atlantis? (Again)
Careful not to fall into the trap of Zelitsky's expedition, and taking a realistic view of what they could have discovered, a spokesman for the team said, "The romanticized ideal of Atlantis probably never existed, nor will anyone ever strap on a SCUBA tank, jump in the water, and find a city gateway that says, 'Welcome to Atlantis.' However, we do believe that this city may have been one of many cities of an advanced, seafaring, trade-based civilization, which may have been visited by their Eurocentric counterparts."
Fair enough. When questioned about the location, the team was careful to include the "island" nation where this site is located in any future efforts to salvage artifacts or conduct any further exploration. This sounds a little like the concessions that the previous expedition, run by Zelitsky, had to make with Cuba.
"Whatever we've found does not belong to us. It belongs to the people of this island, and to the world at-large. If any pieces are brought to the surface, they belong in the hands of a museum." -- the Project Leader
The evidence
At least these new photos have scope and detail in them. In fact, they're pretty amazing and suggest a metropolis. But pictures speak volumes, so... enjoy!
When asked to speculate about how these structures apparently sank to the sea floor, the team spokesman only said, "We have several theories."
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