Top 11 Viewzone Stories

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We're Not From Here! Recent evidence suggests that we are not part of the Milky Way but a dwarf galaxy being assimilated.

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Decorating with Feng Shui Nancy Uon gently introduces you to the basics and shows how to best arrange your living space.

Handwriting Analysis What can be learned about you through your handwriting. Some famous mysteries are described and lessons are given.

Money: what is it? This Dan Eden article starts with the history of money and describes the current economics that have resulted in the rapidly declining US Dollar.

The Philadelphia Experiment Did the US Navy succeed in making the US Liberty invisible?

A special message from Dan Eden.

2200 BC to 1800 BC - The Great Drought

Share This Site The period of 2200 BC to 1800 BC was quite eventful, the significance of which has not yet been fully recognized by us. A lot of events were taking place across civilizations, events that would shape the destiny of mankind for millennia to come, especially so on the religious front.

Jewish tribes, led by Abraham, were continuously displaced from their homeland, which then led them to go on a prolonged and arduous search for the promised land, a land supposedly promised by God. Even though Bible says that God commanded Abraham to move out to promised land, there must be some other non-mythological reason on why those tribes got displaced in the first place. Abraham is normally dated to 2200 to 1800 BC by historians.

We by now know very well that the crucified savior phenomenon did not start with Jesus, but existed much before him. Large number of crucified saviors across the world have been identified by researchers, saviors who supposedly lived much before Jesus. When did this phenomenon start at all? Well, the earliest crucified saviors have been dated to this period of 2200-1800 BC! - Adonis to 2000 BC, Thulis to 1700 BC, Horus to 1550 BC and so on.

Even though Buddha is dated to 500 BC by present day historians, Indian tradition claims that he lived around 1800 BC; and Indian claims have a ring of truth in them as the findings of my article "Buddha has to be dated to 1800 BC," published earlier on Viewzone, show. What led people living at that point of time to suddenly abandon theism and the thoughts of God in favor of the atheistic thoughts of Buddhism?

The five states of India - Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra, and Tamilnadu - are called Pancha Dravidas, or five Dravidian states. Even though the languages of the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra are not classified as Dravidian languages, they, nevertheless, are classified as part of Pancha Dravidas. What is the reason for this? The explanation given is that some external invaders called Aryans invaded India around 1800 BC and later formed the Vedic religion in India. The Dravidians, supposedly the adherents of the religion of Saivism, who were living in Gujarat at that time, got pushed by this invasion towards south of India. They traveled through these five states towards Tamilnadu, which is the reason why these five states are called Pancha Dravidas. Both the Aryan invasion as well as Dravidian migration are dated to 1800 BC!

What is it so special about this period of 2200 to 1800 BC? What was taking place around the world at that time?

Geologists now aver that there was a mighty drought of three centuries around the time of 2200 BC, which severely affected civilizations across India, West Asia, and North Africa. The following is a Wikipedia extract about this event:

"A phase of intense aridity in ≈4.2 ka BP (4200 years Before Present) is well recorded across North Africa, the Middle East, the Red Sea, the Arabian peninsula, the Indian subcontinent, and even mid-continental North America. Glaciers throughout the mountain ranges of western Canada advanced at about this time."

Michael Staubwasser of Hannover University and Harvey Weiss of Yale University, who made a study of the correlation between the climatic changes and the cultural evolution of West Asia, have the following to add:

"...the event begins at 4200 cal yr BP (4200 years Before Present) and lasts about 300 yr. In records from the eastern Mediterranean region and West Asia, a severe drought is observed almost everywhere. A cultural response to the 4.2 ka climate event may also be seen within the Harappan civilization centered around the Indus valley into the Makran (West Pakistan) and Northwest India. A transition from an urbanized (mature or urban Harappan) to a rural (post-urban) society is well documented beginning at approximately 3950 cal yr BP (Possehl, 1997a). At the end of the third millennium and the beginning of the second millennium BC, the Great Bath and Granary at Mohenjo-Daro were abandoned, settlement in Sindh, the Indus-Sarasvati valley and the Baluchi highlands collapsed and shifted east to the headwaters of the Sarasvati and south to the Saurashtra Peninsula."

When most of our history was written, historians were not aware of this drought. World history was written when historians were not aware of the occurrence of this drought. Now that the drought has been discovered, world history needs to be rewritten.

There was a massive amount of migration all across the world at that point of time. People migrated hundreds or even thousands of miles to wherever they thought they could find water. Apart from the mythological reason of being commanded by God, the non-mythological reason why Abraham and his people went out in search of the promised land was because of the drought - they were displaced from their homeland. The reason why the Christ savior figures started appearing all over the world from that period was because the original set of Christ worshippers migrated away from their homeland at this time. The crucified legends of this group went along with these migrators to distant corners of the globe, in different forms, shapes, and variations, leading to a large number of crucifed savior figures all over the world.

The reason why people converted in large numbers to the atheistic cult of Buddhism at that point of time was because their prayers to the almighty to provide them relief and succor against the drought went unanswered for years, decades, and centuries. Even the staunchest of the faithful found it difficult to believe in any God who could answer their prayers. There was a revolt against theism, which led to the birth of atheistic cults.

The reason why Dravidians migrated toward south India at that time was not because of any external invasion, but because of drought. No Aryans ever migrated to or invaded India. Vedic religion and Vaishnavism are indigenous to India. Migration did take place to India by these people; but the migration took place thousands of years before the drought time of 2200 BC. The reason why Buddha is strongly considered as an incarnation of Vishnu even today by Indians is because many Indians at that time were Vaishnavites, the worshippers of Vishnu. When they converted to Buddhism, most of them did so by simply considering Buddha as an incarnation of Vishnu.

A lot of our valuable and precious history has been lost in the dungeons of time. That history can be ferreted out not by looking at archaeological remains and fossils, but by peaking into our religious scriptures. All of our history, for the last 19000 years, has been well preserved by our religious scriptures and practices – we only need to give them the due respect for the information they contain.

Source: Excepts from Prithviraj R's book on history -- 19000 YEARS OF WORLD HISTORY: The Story of Religon. He can be reached at

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